


We're finally joining Blogworld!

Starting several months ago (essentially since Mike and I got married) an influx of people started asking if we had a blog. I had always been opposed to us having one (reasoning explained later on). Mike would mention starting one every once in a blue moon and I would never seem too hot on the idea. BUT I did start becoming semi-obsessed with reading all my friend's blogs (and sometimes their friend's blogs--- Admit it. You do it too.)

Then, on one seemingly average Sunday evening, the clouds parted and I said,
"Mike, we can start a blog."...the words I was sure he was waiting to hear. So you can guess what he did right after receiving my approval....


So I basically begged him to set one up for us and here we are. To be quite honest, the reason I had been pushing it off for so long is that I am what some would call "computer stupid". So I'd like to apologize in advance. Unless Mike is posting, don't expect some fancy links and cute blog tweaks to show our individuality. We got it. I just can't flaunt it.


dylan & lindsey said...

oh yay!! It's about time you two. I'm glad you joined.. Now I can keep up with you guys since I feel like we NEVER see you anymore! Let's hang out asap!
ps your blog is way cute

c a n d a c e said...

I agree with cute Linds - your blog is way cute. I'm happy to keep up with you guys (if you keep up on the blog) so Hurray!!!
Love you both .... and stuff.

Ken and Meag said...

HA! I found you! Thanks for a leaving a comment so I could stalk my way on over :) I was thinking only yesterday how y'all needed a blog! The King Cake recipe is actually Sister Easley's--I'll definitely pass it on...cream cheese filling...yummm.

MandiScandal said...

" we got it. i just can't flaunt it"

ummm pretty sure this is one of the MILLIONS of reasons i love you.