

"pinning" it up.

Guess what guys??
I'm a pinning machine!

That's right. I just joined Pinterest. I'm not sure why it took this long...
I guess I was hoping Pinterest was a fad that would just fade away.
But it didn't... and now, in just one day, I'm hooked.

I'll be honest though, I have no idea what I'm doing.
All I know is that I'm stalking random people left and right and "pinning" everything I love!

If you haven't joined yet... do it NOW. and I'll follow you. Enticing, huh?
If you're one step ahead of me (which most of you are)...
holler at me so I can follow you.

One can never have too many social media accounts. Am I right?

1 comment:

kylee said...

yep i was a late pinner too and then i became an instant addict. best website ever right? half of my good recipes and good ideas come from that place. please oh please don't let it crash someday. can you imagine? all my good ideas gone forever.