


Anytime Mike and I are having "baby cravings" we remind ourselves (and yes- I do mean WE-it's not just me) of the Why Game.
If you've ever spent more than five minutes around a three or four year old you know what I'm talking about.
Just the other day, we had our four year old nephew, Blake, stay overnight and we got very familiar with the Why Game.

Blake: What are you doing on your phone?
Alyssa: I'm sending someone a text message.
Blake: Why?
Alyssa: Because they were asking me a question.
Blake: Why?
Alyssa: Because I know the answer.
Blake: Why?
Alyssa: I just do... I'm smart.
Blake: Why?
Alyssa: Miiiiiiiike. Help me!

I'm still not so good. Thank goodness I don't have any kids yet. I've got plenty to learn beforehand- like how to dodge those verbal bullets.


c a n d a c e said...

I like to turn the 'verbal bullets' physical. That usually shuts them up pretty quick... Uhh P.S. All Social workers out there - I'm kidding.

Mr. and Mrs. Danger Brown said...

kids are the greatest....especially when they aren't yours right!?! but the day we have kiddos is the day they will be second generation best friends! we get home saturday, i'm calling you to hang out soon. xo

Kyle and Amanda said...

Why don't you like kids... you are a question hater!