

Happy Birthday Alyssa!

Dear Lyss,

I have already told you Happy Birthday today, but the sentiment doesn't seem to be enough to truly celebrate your awesome birthday - so I wrote you a little letter... here... on blogger... for the whole world to see (luckily our audience isn't that big, so I think I can bare it.) This is the third birthday that I've shared with you and each one has been completely blissful. In celebration of you, I'm listing many of the things I love about you, even the stuff that makes me a little bit nuts because it makes you... you.

You are the most honest, trustworthy person I know. Although your honesty can sting sometimes (like when you tell me that I need to change what I am wearing - even though I think it is cool), I know that it comes from the best intentions and consideration of others. You are thoughtful and keep me kn line. I know that I can always trust you with anything and that you won't try to manipulate me with information later. (Although you could probably have a lot on me for black mail if you ever needed to...)

You are kind and generous. Thinking of what kind of candies to have for guests is just a grain of your personality of making people feel comfortable. I love to watch you in a crowd of people or with a group of kids - just talking and hanging out. I know you will be a great mother one day. Your eyes sparkle when you're sharing stories or being entertained by others, and you even laugh at my jokes that aren't funny (which is quite rare).

I love your outlook on life. I love your optimism in our future and all of the countries we will conquer throughout our lives. I hope I can get you to all of the places you want to visit, take all of the pictures that you want to capture, see all of the sites that are well kept secrets, and eat in the best dineries that have German chocolate cake.

While it might make me crazy sometimes, I love your childlike wonder at things: the way you can enjoy simple things like eating ice cream everyday, playing bubble-breaker to keep you entertained, and nudging me to do something outside (Weather permitting, of course).

We have a lot of things in common. We find many of the same things important and value the same things. But we're also very different. I like that you cry watching "The Biggest Loseer" and hide behind your fingers during scary movies. I love the way you sigh in your sleep or suggest that a back massage would do the world wonders. I like that I don't always know what you are thinking or going to say... and then sometimes I know exactly what you are thinking or going to say.

You constantly surprise me. And in many different ways, I never know what my days with you will bring. I love learning little things about you and watching you discover something new. You aren't afraid to try new things and you always put your whole heart into the things that matter to you. You live without regrets.

I love that you let me share your food and eat off your plate. I love that you push me to to new horizons - to be involved but to let me be. I'm astonished by your faith in me - the way you push me to be my best self. Bust most of all, I love you because of all the things you are: Silly, fantastic, fun, complex, moody, amazing, loving, wonderfully real, and passionate.

Once again, Happy Birthday babe. You are everything to me.



Karlee said...

Seriously, ADORABLE and worded JUST perfect! Happy Birthday Alyssa!

kylee said...

hope you had such a good birthday alyssa!

c a n d a c e said...

*sniffles* This is adorable, Mikey.

Kyle and Amanda said...

Wow... Mike Nelson wins this one!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

what a great post :) just found your blog and think you two are so adorable!